Empower Local Scavenger Hunt
The more businesses you find, the more chances you have to win!
Start your hunt

Support Local.
Win Great Prizes.

You could win a $1000 local shopping spree, or one of many great prizes!

Local businesses drive our economy and support our community. Let's give them some love this holiday season! Here's how it works...

  1. Sign up for the hunt using Facebook Messenger (preferred) or Text Messaging. Keep scrolling to start your hunt.
  2. Find the Empower Local sign for each business in the scavenger hunt list. It may be in front of their business, inside, or at the Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce.
  3. When you find a business's sign enter their unique 5-digit code in Facebook Messenger, or via text messaging.
  4. The more businesses you find and check off your scavenger hunt list the more chances you have to win!

>> Ready to go? Start your hunt

Start Your Hunt!

Click a button to sign up and start hunting.
More instructions will be provided once you start your registration.

Facebook Messenger (best option):

Text Messaging:

Get Started

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